popularity of smartphones confusing the operator

iphone 4 smartphone
image taken from yourlegitsurveys.com
Rising popularity of smartphones potentially confusing the operator. Telecommunication Authority of the world (International Telecommunication Union / ITU) menengaraismartphone be very costly network, because it can absorb the data access five times more than regular phones.
ITU reminded of this issue should not be underestimated. That's why they appealed to governments around the world pay attention.Moreover, the global smart phone sales will craze, is predicted to reach two billion units in 2015.
Dr Hamadoun Toure as the Secretary General of ITU asked the government to immediately act to accelerate adoption of high-speed fiber optic cable. This is to support faster data connection for smart phone users. Because, if it is not the case and the situation is left alone, network operators can be very disturbed. As reported dailymail, poor connection will be a daily food for consumers."The operator invests billions of dollars to develop the capacity and network performance. But in the city with the use of (network) is high, such as San Francisco, New York and London, we still see the users who were frustrated with the chronic problem of lack of tissue," said Toure.
"Strong national broadband plan, which promotes extra spectrum and faster optical networks is essential to support the data hungry applications continue to grow," he added. According to ITU data, only 98 countries that already have broadband design specific. While 90% of the world today is estimated to have covered by mobile phone signals


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