The latest rumor about the iPhone 5 just will be present at the beginning of October, even in early 2012. Not in June 2011.
SMARTPHONES - Some time ago have been circulating news about the iPhone 5 will be introduced on June 6, 2011, and will be produced around the beginning of July 2011.

According to Apple's senior vice president, Philip Schiller, in announcing the event World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2011, Tuesday. Event held on 6-10 June 2011 believed to be utilized to introduce Apple iPhone 5. However, speech Schiller makes some parties doubt it.
"At this year's conference, we will introduce the IOS and Mac OS future," said Schiller was quoted by the Telegraph on Wednesday (30/03/2011).
The explanation of Schiller that reveals Apple focus more on software than hardware that makes the observers of technology guessed that the plan of launch of the iPhone 5 will not be conducted at the WWDC event such as earlier news.
"The announcement complements the information I received from my sources about the conference. This year's WWDC will be the event for the software, not hardware," wrote the editor of Macworld, Jim Dalrymple on his blog.
Dalrymple's opinion is justified by MG Siegler of TechCrunch. "It seems the biggest news (from this event) is what is not mentioned at WWDC announcement: the iPhone. In our post at the end of this week, I wrote that I have not heard any news about the launch of the iPhone because of IOS in delays . But I suspect that the iPhone 5 will decide introduced at WWDC with new IOS 4. That's not true. From what we heard, the iPhone 5 does not appear on that event, "said Siegler.
Further reports from Asia also mentions that Apple has not yet started ordering parts for the iPhone 5. Macotakara believe, this fifth-generation of iPhone could be will come in October or even longer.